Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The leap has been taken....

I submitted my first design proposal yesterday! It was very exciting and completely terrifying, all at the same time.

While I would love to have my design chosen, I am really happy to have gone through the process (yes, I realize this sounds like I am honored just to be nominated, but it's true, I swear!). I had some ideas scratched out on a sheet of paper, but that was as far as I had taken any of them.  This call by Three Irish Girls really gave me the kick in the pants that I needed to take the next steps and I have already learned a lot!

I never thought about just how many decisions designers make for each garment, it's really mind boggling!  Top down, bottom up, what cast on, what neckline, pattern stitches, increase methods, sleeve techniques, interesting detail placement, bind offs, etc.  I questioned a LOT of things as I was putting together my proposal, and I think that really helped make it better.  I hope it made it better.  And that I didn't just confuse myself.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Pride Goeth Before a Fall.....

The Yarn Harlot has mentioned this phrase in several of her books (which are awesome btw....) and it is so true.

I was really proud of the fact that I had learned the provisional crochet cast on to make this adorable giraffe toy that I am test knitting. I had never done anything like it, but thanks to Knitting Help, I rocked it.  The pride I mentioned before ;).  Actually, I should rock any cast on that I get to practice 300 times -- you see, this was cast on at the outer edge and worked in, so I was starting at the biggest part.

Everything was going along very well, markers were placed, increases made appropriately, picot edge row done. And then it happened.  I had these 300 stitches on my 40 inch circular, which I was only using because I don't have another size 3 circ and I hadn't gotten to my lys to buy another one.  (I take this as a sign that I should always go directly to my lys whenever I even *think* I might need different supplies). So, the stitches were all over this thing, twisting and ruffling around.  For some reason, I decided to double check that nothing was twisted.  Ignorance is bliss, I tell you.  It was twisted real nice.  So it got thrown into the bag I was carrying all my supplies in and has been sitting in time out ever since.

Maybe I shouldn't roll my eyes at the instruction so often seen in patterns 'Making sure stitches are not twisted'.  I thought I did......