Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Overcommitter -- that's what I am

Seriously, why do I do this to myself?  I commit to KALs (knit alongs) and test knits and things all at the same time.  Why?  Because none of the projects themselves take overly long to knit.  I am apparently just really, really bad at realizing just how all those projects will add up.  Sure, socks can be whipped out pretty quick.  That girls short sleeved cardigan, no problem with a close deadline on that.  But trying to get the cardigan and three pairs of socks done in a couple weeks when you have 4 kids and knitting time generally limited to after bedtime (with a  baby who rarely stays down for more than an hour or two at a time - I am quite good at knitting while holding a sleeping baby) is insane.

The big downside is that I find myself left with no time to knit the hooded sweater for the baby, the sweater for my 4 year old, the design ideas that are suddenly coming to me that I desperately hope I will be able to make into FOs (finished objects) and patterns.

The next time I go to sign up for something, stop me, please.  You know it's bad when you have to consider leaving the test knitting groups on Ravelry because there is always something so wonderful that you just have to volunteer to test knit. 

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