Sunday, February 3, 2013

Cleaning - a.k.a my nemesis

I love lots of things. You could probably guess some of them, like knitting and baking, but I also love warm socks, reading, Downton Abbey, and baby snuggling. I had to borrow a baby to snuggle today since mine is closing in on two fast.

There is something that I spend a lot of time doing that keeps me from all of those things. That is cleaning. It's no fun, has too be repeated all too often, and I never feel like it's done. Probably because it isn't, at least not at my house. I claim victory if the dishes are semi caught up and there are less than two loads of laundry either waiting to go into the washer or waiting to be folded and put away. Since that constitutes victory, and I swear that takes way too much time to achieve, you could assume (correctly) that I don't often get past the point of victory to do things like super duper scrub the tub or the baseboards or anything. I actually never knew that I was supposed to clean baseboards until I followed (okay, followed may not be entirely accurate, but I did the first day and diligently read all the others) a series on Money Saving Mom.

I would love it if those things were done. A lot. But I don't want to be the one to do them and we aren't in the position to hire someone to do it, so here I sit, with everything a fraction of the clean I would like it to be. Someday I would love to have the time and energy to tackle it. That day is not today.

 I cleaned my kitchen counter very nicely today (as it always is whenever I bake, that always provides a good incentive to clean the kitchen) and there is bread waiting to go into the oven. My latest sweater is waiting patiently in a bag next to my knitting chair for whenever I get a chance to work on it. Most likely that won't be until after the kids are in bed, but I'll get there.

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