Monday, February 4, 2013

It's a zipper. And it's not the boss of me.

My oldest son is very patient. Very, very patient. He turned 8 in November and one of the gifts he received was a bag of yarn with the promise that I would knit him a sweater.

He was very excited and started thinking about what kind of sweater he wanted. He didn't want a pullover, had to be a cardigan - easy. Had to have a hood - okay. I had to make it up instead of following a pattern (he had seen me go through the whole pattern process with my first design) - more work, but well worth it. It had to zip, no buttons - aaaaaahhhh!

I have sewn zippers into garments before, it's not that big of a deal. It's not my favorite, but I can do it and do it decently. the though of putting a zipper into my knitting makes me hyperventilate. What if I mess up and need to rip it out and try again? With fabric, that's a pain, but not a huge deal. With a handknit, I have visions of it taking me days to pick all the thread out of the knitting.

One possible solution was this idea, where you create live loops of yarn on the zipper tape and then work it into your knitting. Awesome! I love this idea and it makes perfect sense - up until the part where it tells you to work it into your knitting. How? I poked around the internet and found some vague answers, but if I am going to spend hours doing this, I want some step by step instructions to hold my hand all the way through.

So I find myself back at square one. I'm still scared to pull out the sewing machine and have a go, but this zipper will not beat me.  I will sew it in.

By hand.

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